
As former journalists, we like to write things. To make it sound fancy, we call the things we write, "whitepapers," which is basically just a fancy name for a thoroughly researched blog post. Here, you can find some of our philosophy (and some tips and tricks) about how we approach digital content and the web.

Speed up your Wordpress site

Here are some of the areas where we frequently see performance taking a hit – and some things you can do to optimize your WordPress site!

Dealing with GDPR

Even though you may not be a citizen of France, the European Union's privacy regulation likely still applies to you and your website. Here are some tips to deal with it.

Why accessibility matters

Accessibility is a fundamental part of the internet, allowing everyone to be able to access your content.

How to tweak WordPress without breaking it

First you choose a theme because you love it, but you just want to make one tiny tweak. Here's how you can do that without endangering your site.

Design is about more than looks

Lots of people think their website needs a redesign, but you need to be worried about more than how your site looks. How it functions matters just as much when you're thinking about making a change.

Analytics beyond pageviews

Google Analytics is quick to give you all sorts of numbers you can stare at, but do those numbers actually help you out? We'll help you discover the analytics to focus on.

Legal, free images for your projects

No, you can't just use whatever you find on Google Image Search. Learn about some free, legal sources for content for your digital projects.

SSL, the green padlock and you

What you need to know about your site being protected by SSL.